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MLA Citation Guide: Home

MLA Handbook

What is MLA Style and When Should You Use It?

The MLA citation style was established by the Modern Language Association of America (MLA) and is most commonly used in the liberal arts and humanities, especially in the fields of language and literature. When in doubt, just ask your professor which style to use.

You must cite all outside information sources used for a paper in order to avoid plagiarism, give credit to the original writer, and direct your reader to more information about your topic. Citations are not only for direct quotes--you also must cite sources when you summarize, paraphrase, or use any information (or images) from an outside source in any way.

For additional citation examples and further MLA style information, please refer to the MLA Handbook. Copies are available at all three library locations, under the call number: R808.02 G35m 2016

