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MLA Citation Guide: Articles

DATABASE: Scholarly Article / Newspaper / Magazine

Lastname, Firstname, MI. “Article Title.” Journal Title, vol. #, no. #, Season Publication date,

Page(s). Title of Database, DOI. 

Example: With DOI

Chan, Yaocheng. "Postmodernism and Hong Kong Cinema." Postmodern Culture, vol. 10, no. 3,

May 2000, pp. 1-10. Project Muse, doi:10.1353/pmc.2000.0021.

In text: (Chan 7)

Lastname, Firstname, MI. “Article Title.” Journal Title, vol. #, no. #, Season Publication date,

Page(s). Title of Database, URL.


Example: Without DOI

Susina, Jan. "Relentless Progress: The Reconfiguration of Children's Literature, Fairy Tales, and

Storytelling." Children's Literature Association Quarterly, vol. 34, no.3, Fall, 2009, pp.

304-7. ProQuest Central,


In text: (Susina 306)

Lastname, Firstname, MI. “Article Title.” Journal Title, vol. #, no. #, Season Publication date,

Page(s).Title of Database, DOI. (or URL, if no DOI is available)

Example: Two Authors

Spencer, Brett, and Nancy H. Dewald. "NASA Reshapes Libraries: The Space Program's Impact

on Academic Libraries, Special Libraries, and Archives." Science & Technology Libraries,

vol. 34, no. 4, 2015, pp. 299-314. ProQuestdoi:10.1080/0194262X.2015.1102676.

In text: (Brett and Dewald 303)

Lastname, Firstname, MI. “Article Title.” Journal Title, vol. #, no. #, Season Publication date,

Page(s).Title of Database, DOI. (or URL, if no DOI is available)

Example: Three or More Authors

De Clercq, Barbara, et al. "Childhood Personality Types: Vulnerability and Adaptation Over

Time." Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, vol. 53, no. 6, 2012, pp. 716-722.



In text: (De Clercq et al. 720)

ONLINE: Scholarly Article / Newspaper / Magazine

Follow as for “DATABASE: Scholarly Article / Newspaper / Magazine”, adjusting as follows:


Lastname, Firstname, MI. “Article Title.” Journal Title, vol. #, no. #, Publication date, Time, Title of

Website, URL. Accessed Day/Month/Year.


Fassler, Joe. “The First Sentence is a Handshake.” The Atlantic, 29 Oct. 2014. The Atlantic Monthly


Accessed 14 July 2016.

In text: (Fassler)

PRINT: Scholarly Article / Newspaper / Magazine

Follow as for "DATABASE: Scholarly Article / Newspaper / Magazine", but end with the Page(s).


Nelson, Walter R. "Some Examples of Plank House Construction and Their Origin." Pioneer America,

vol. 1, no.2, July 1969, pp. 18-29.

In text: (Nelson 19-20)

Article Citation Tips

“Article Title” is in quotation marks.

No Author?

If there is no author credited, start the citation with the “Article Title.”

Page Numbers: 

For single pages, use ‘p.’ followed by the number:  (p. 8)

For multiple pages, use ‘pp.’ followed by the numbers: (pp. 10-12)

If an article is not printed on consecutive pages, cite only the first page number in the range, followed by a plus sign:  pp. A1+.

Publication Date: 

Where available, is written as: Day Month Year.  Example: 23 Aug. 2003

Months are written / abbreviated as follows: Jan.   Feb.   Mar.   Apr.   May   June  July   Aug.   Sept.  Oct.   Nov.   Dec.


Write in full.  Examples: Spring   Summer   Fall/Winter  etc. 

Publication months or "seasons" must always be included, if available.     

A Note about Newspapers

If the name of the city is not included in the title of a newspaper, add the city name (not in italics) in square brackets after the title of the paper. Omit A, An or The from the title for the ‘In text’ entry. 

Example: The Star-Ledger [Newark]

                In text: (Star-Ledger 12)

For a nationally published newspaper, you do not need to use square brackets to identify the city.

                Example: The New York Times

                In Text: (New York Times 8)