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MLA Citation Guide: Books & eBooks


Lastname, Firstname, MI. Title of the Book. Publisher, Publication date.


Hughes, Kathy. George Eliot: The Last Victorian. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1999. 

In text: (Hughes 160)

Lastname, Firstname MI., and Firstname MI Lastname. Title of the Book. Publisher,

Publication date.


Broer, Lawrence R., and Gloria Holland. Hemingway and Women: Female Critics and the

Female Voice.  U of Alabama P, 2002.

In text: (Broer and Holland 24)

For three or more authors, use only the name of the first author listed, follow with a comma, and add et al  (Latin for “and all”).


Lastname, Firstname MI., et al. Title of Book, Publisher, Publication date.


Hanson, David, et al. Breaking Through Concrete: Building an Urban Farm Revival.

U of California Press, 2011. 

In text(Hanson et al. 88) 

If a book has no author or editor, begin the entry with the book title.

Book Title. Publisher, Publication date.


Magic and Witchcraft. Floating Press, 2013.

In text: (Magic and Witchcraft 27)

By a Corporate Author

A work by a "corporate" author might be created by a group, government agency, an institution, commission, an association, a committee or other type of organization.  Do not include any initial article (A, An, or The).


Name of Corporation/Organization/Agency. “Title of Document.” Title of Publishing

Agency. Publication date. URL.  Accessed day month year. 


United States Geological Survey. “USGS FAQs: What is Hydraulic Fracturing?” 15

June 2016. Accessed 11 July 2016.

In text: (USGS)


Corporate Author Abbreviations

The names of groups that serve as corporate authors are usually spelled out each time they appear in an in-text citation. However, some are spelled out in the first citation and abbreviated thereafter. If the name is long and cumbersome and if the abbreviation is familiar or readily understandable, you may abbreviate (See USGS above). 

If the name is short or if the abbreviation would not be easily identified in the reference list, write out the name each time.


Corporate Author as Publisher

Sometimes a corporate author is both the author AND the publisher. In that case, start with the “title” of the work, skip the author details, and list the organization as publisher.


“Sustainability: Good Food.” McDonalds Corporation. 2016. Accessed 11 July


In text: ("Sustainability")

Two or More Books by the Same Author

Provide the author's name for the first works cited entry.

For each subsequent entry by the same author replace the author's name with three hyphens followed by a period. 

Finally, add the titles alphabetically (remember to ignore articles like A, An, and The).

Example (All three titles are by David S. Reynolds):

Reynolds, David S. A Historical Guide to Walt Whitman. Oxford UP, 2000. 

---. Walt Whitman. Oxford UP, 2005.

---. Walt Whitman's America: A Cultural Biography. Knopf, 1995.


Begin the entry as if you are citing a print book. After the Publication date, add the Name of eBook Provider and the URL. (omit http://  or  https:// )


Lastname, Firstname, MI. Title of the eBook. Publisher, Publication date. Name of eBook

Provider, URL.

Example 1:

Driver, Edmund. Cheshire: Its Cheese-makers, Their Homes, Landlords, and Supporters. Derwent,

1909. Hathi Digital Trust,

In text:   (Driver 104)


Example 2:

Ekman, Stefan. Here Be Dragons: Exploring Fantasy Maps and Settings. Wesleyan UP, 2013.

EBSCO Industries,


In text:   (Ekman 99-101)

Edited Book

Lastname, Firstname, MI., editor(s). Title of the Book. Publisher, Publication date.

Example: One Editor

Conard, Mark T., editor. The Philosophy of the Coen Brothers. UP of Kentucky, 2009.

In text: (Conard 31)


Example: Two Editors

Tannen, Deborah, and Muriel Saville-Troike, editors. Perspectives on Silence. Ablex,1985.

In text: (Tannen and Saville-Troike 56)


For edited books, or major reference works with a large editorial board, or more than two editors, list the Lastname, Firstname MI. of the “lead” editor, followed by et al.

Essay or Chapter in an Edited Book or Anthology

Lastname, Firstname MI. “Title of Chapter.” Title of the Edited Book or Anthology,

edited by Firstname MI. Lastname,  Publisher, Publication date, page(s).


More, Hannah. "The Black Slave Trade: A Poem." British Women Poets of the Romantic Era,

edited by Paula R. Feldman, Johns Hopkins UP, 1997, pp. 472-82.

In text: (More 473-75)

Dictionary Entry / Encyclopedia Article / Commentary

Lastname, Firstname, MI. “Title of Entry or Article.” Title of Dictionary/Encyclopedia/Commentary,

edited by Firstname MI Lastname, # Edition, vol. #, Publisher, Publication date, Page(s).

Example 1: With Author

Keane, John. "Paine, Thomas." Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment, edited by Alan Charles Kors,

vol. 3, Oxford UP,  2003, pp 224-26.

In text: (Keane 225)

Note: If there is no author, begin with the “Title of Entry or Article.”


Example 2: Without Author

“Magnetic Resonance.” The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th edition, vol. 7,

Encyclopaedia Britannica,  2010, pp. 682-84.

In text: (“Magnetic Resonance” 683)