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APSA (American Political Science Association) Citation Guide: Books


Single Author

     T: (Gutman 1999, 41)

     R: Gutman, Robert W. 1999. Mozart: A cultural biography. New York: Harcourt Brace.

Two Authors

     T: (Hock and Price 2004, 93-4)

     R: Hock, Randolph, and Gary Price. 2004. The extreme searcher’s Internet handbook: A guide for the serious searcher. Medford: CyberAge Books.

Four or More Authors

     T: (Davidson et al. 1988, 149)

     R: Davidson, William, Daniel Sweeney, Thomas Jones, and Ronald Stampfl. 1988. Retailing management. 6th ed. New York: Wiley.

No Author

If no personal author's name is listed on the title page, the organization/corporation is listed as author, even if it is also given as publisher.

     T: (JIST Works 2000, 73)

     R: JIST Works. 2000. NAICS desk reference: The North American industry classification system desk reference. Indianapolis: JIST Works.

Book: Multivolume 

When citing the work as a whole, give the total number of volumes after the title (or editor). If published over several years, give the range of years.

     T: (Wright 1968-78, 2:341)

     R: Wright, Sewell. 1968-78. Evolution and the genetics of populations. 4 vols. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press.

When citing only one volume:

     T: (Wright 1969, 341)

     R: Wright, Sewell. 1969. Theory of gene frequencies. Vol. 2 of Evolution and the genetics of populations. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press.

Chapter in a Book 

     T: (Willson 2005, 52-3)

     R: Willson, Jr., Robert F. 2005. William Shakespeare's Theater. In The Greenwood companion to Shakespeare: A comprehensive guide for students, ed. Joseph Rosenblum, 47-64. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

     Note: No quotations are used around book chapters in this format.

Book Published Electronically

     If a book is available in more than one format, you should cite the version you consulted, but you may also list the other formats, as in the second example below. If an access date is required by your publisher or discipline, include it parenthetically at the end of the citation, as in the second example below.

     T: (Kurland and Lerner 1987)

     R: Kurland, Philip B., and Ralph Lerner, eds. 1987. The Founders’ Constitution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Accessed July 20, 2010.