Journals vs. Magazines: Journals are normally cited by volume and date, while magazines are normally cited by date alone. If in doubt whether a particular periodical is a journal or magazine, use the journal format if the volume number is easily located, and the magazine format if it is not.
Journal with Issue Number Available |
T: (Simmons and Becker-Olsen 2006, 161) R: Simmons, Carolyn, and Karen Becker-Olsen. 2006. " Achieving Marketing Objectives through Social Sponsorships. Journal of Marketing 70(4):154-169. |
Journal with no Issue Number |
T: (Graham 2006, 157) R: Graham, Sarah. 2006. "Impossible to Hold: Women and Culture in the 1960s." Journal of American Studies 40:156-159. |
Article in an Online Journal |
Just like print journals, only adding the URL and also the access date in parentheses at the end if required by your professor or discipline. T: (Hlatky et al. 2002) R: Hlatky, Mark A., Derek Boothroyd, Eric Vittinghoff, Penny Sharp, and Mary A. Whooley. 2002. "Quality-of-Life and Depressive Symptoms in Postmenopausal Women After Receiving Hormone Therapy. Journal of the American Medical Association 287(5) (February 6). Accessed Februrary 8, 2010. |
Article in an Online Database |
This is the same as for online journals as listed above, including use of access date. Also include the URL of the main entrance of the database. T: (Thomas 1956, 71) R: Thomas, Trevor M. "Wales: Land of Mines and Quarries." Geographical Review 46(1) (1956): 59-81. Accessed July 6, 2010. |
Entire Website |
Websites may be cited in running text ("According to the National Weather Service's website, warmer temperatures may be expected...") instead of in a note, and they are commonly omitted from the reference list as well. The following examples show the more formal version of the citations. Add the date the material was last accessed for time-sensitive data or if you are required. T: (National Weather Service) R: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. NOAA's National Weather Service. U.S. Dept. of Commerce. Accessed January 17, 2010. |
Magazine |
T: (Reed 2006, 21) R: Reed, Stanley. 2006. "Seeing Past the War." Business Week, August 21. |
Newspaper |
Newspaper articles may be cited in running text (“As William Niederkorn noted in a New York Times article on June 20, 2002, . . . ”) instead of in a note or an in-text citation, and they are commonly omitted from a bibliography or reference list as well. The following examples show the more formal version of the citations. T: (Seward 2006) R: Seward, Zachary. 2006. Colleges Expand Early Admissions. Wall Street Journal. December 14. Eastern edition. |