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APSA (American Political Science Association) Citation Guide: Author-Date (Reference List) (Chicago Style)

Chicago Style Online Manual Author-Date

The Chicago Author-Date style

This link will take you to the Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) online section on Author-Date references. This is the ultimate authority on the Chicago Style. Remember, APSA is fundamentally the Chicago style. The primary exception to CMOS references are below.

Additional Editors, Translators, or Compilers

  • APSA Style Specific—when the name of the editor(s) or translator(s) appears alongside an author’s or authors’ name(s), the name of the editor(s) or translator(s) appears after the title in the reference. Use the same abbreviations: ed. or eds., comp. or comps., or trans. This should be preceded by a comma, not a period. The name(s) should not be inverted (14.104).

Hermann, Margaret G. 1984. “Personality and Foreign Policy Decision Making: A Study of Fifty-Three Heads of Government.” In Foreign Policy Decision Making, eds. Donald A. Sylvan and Steve Chan, 133–52. New York: Praeger.

In Text and Reference Examples by Source Type

Click on the source type below to see examples of in text and reference entries for Author-Date. Examples include an in-text citation [T] followed by a reference-list entry [R].



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