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APSA (American Political Science Association) Citation Guide: Citation Management


Citation managers help you keep track of the articles, books, and other resources you find, as well as help you cite them in the appropriate style, both in the text of your paper and in your references or works cited list. For more help with citation managers, ask a librarian! 

Citation Managers for HPU:

EndNote & EndNote Web

Members of the HPU community have access to EndNote, a robust citation tool available in desktop and cloud-based forms and containing over 5000 citation styles. EndNote also comes with a plugin for Word that allows you to insert citations from your EndNote library as you write.

Follow the instructions on the guide linked above to set up your EndNote account.

What is Endnote?

You can use EndNote to:

1. Import references directly from article databases

2. Pull reference information from stored PDFs

3. Access references from anywhere using EndNote Online

4. Capture references for a webpage with the push of a button

5. Store your article PDFs and other relevant files

6. Highlight and annotate directly onto PDFs

7. Organize your research into libraries and groups

8. Collaborate by sharing libraries and groups with others

9. Output bibliographies in over 6,000 different styles

10. Embed quick citation tools into Microsoft Word, and more!

EndNote is available free of charge to HPU students, faculty and staff.

Video Tutorials