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*Psychology Subject Guide: Scholarly Sources

The library's online catalog searches items available in not only HPU Libraries, but also libraries in our area (Triad Academic Library Association) and around the world. If you find an item in our catalog that is not available at HPU, you may be able to go to a local TALA library and check it out, or request to borrow it from another library through Interlibrary Loan

Top Psychology Databases 

The collections below are some of the library's core resources for study of Psychology. To access databases for related fields, search the library's Databases A-Z list by subject name; for example 'communication' or 'education'. 

undefinedIn PsycINFO, use the Thesaurus to find the assigned terminology for your concepts. Or, after you do a search, scan the 'Subject: Major Heading' list on the left to find the assigned terminology. This will give you a more precise search.

Related Health Science Databases

The study of psychology has contact with many medical and allied fields. The databases listed below contain information on medical issues, including those in the nursing and allied health professions​.

Quick Tips - starting your search

1. Identify a few keywords or concepts that describe your topic. Enter these into the search boxes in the catalog and database collections.

2. Use the limiters along the left side of your results list to narrow your search further, including by date and type of publication. 

3. If you are asked to select primary research articles over secondary research, look for telltale signs: a Method, or Methodology section, and a Results section. Read carefully, but these sections should indicate if and how the authors conducted their own original study.