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HPU Print Shop: Resizing Images

Everything you need to know for ordering prints or preparing prints you plan on sending to the HPU print shop!


In order to get the best possible quality results for your image that won't be distorted or low resolution.  

You will need to follow these simple steps down below!


  • Make sure the file you are going to resize is in the correct software file format. (For example, if your file is a PSD or Photoshop file it will not open in Adobe PDF you will have to save it as a PDF before Resizing it or vice versa.) See "Saving Images In Different Formats" for more information.
  • Upload and use the original photo from its source, whether it be directly from the camera, SD card, or a scanned image. (if you don't have the original image ask a colleague or coworker if they do!) 
  • Make sure the file you are working on and planning on adjusting you have access to and isn't locked before trying to resize it.


Resizing Table of Contents 

Finding Your Image Size

Size Reference Chart

Resizing Images For Photoshop, Canva and Powerpoint


Resizing Images For Printing

Welcome to your quick guide on how to resize images in Adobe Photoshop! 

Feel free to watch the video, check out Adobes Tutorials, or scroll down for a step-by-step version. 

Adobe Tutorials

How to resize an image in photoshop  

How to crop and resize images in photoshop 

Scroll down for the step-by-step version!

Open the Photoshop application and open your file by going to File ► Open.

or by using the shortcuts Ctrl + O on PC and Mac  Command + O

Then once you have your image opened you can go to "Image" ► "Image Size". 

Or use the shortcuts Alt+ Ctrl I on PC and Mac Option (Alt) + Command I 

After you click "Image Size", a box should appear that will allow you to edit the size of your image to your desired height and width.

Make sure to have the measurements set to inches, as pixels or other units of measurement will not work well for printing.

After you have added in your desired height and width be sure to change your resolution depending on if you are scaling your image up or down. 

If you plan on scaling your image up, make sure to keep its original resolution to prevent the image from getting blurry. 

If you are scaling your image down from its original size, make sure to change the resolution to 300 to make for easy printing. 

The last thing you will need to do before saving and exporting your file is to make sure to have it in the correct printing mode. 

To do that you have to go to "Image" ► "Mode" ► and select "CMYK Mode".

Once everything is adjusted and you have changed over to CMYK you are ready to save your document and sending it for printing!

Photo Credit: Davide Restivo

Trouble Shooting 

Still experiencing an issue with resizing your image in photoshop? 

Try watching our video down below or scrolling down to find a solution to your issue!

Chain Constraints 

If you are still having issues with adjusting the width and height in Photoshop it could be because of chain constraints. 

If chain constraints are on you will see the icon shown below. While chain constraints work well for keeping constant measures they will restrict and adjust your height and width, causing your original input to be changed. 

 Fixing this problem is simple. You will need to click or turn off the chain constraints to be able to make adjustments without it interfering again. 

After turning off the constraints it should look something like this.


Still, having issues resizing?

Reach out to us  and we will assist you in anyway we can! 

Welcome to your quick guide on how to resize images in Canva! 

Feel free to watch the video down below, check out guides from Canva, or scroll down to follow our step-by-step guide and workaround for users who do not have a premium membership. 



Creating a document with custom or searched options 

The easiest way to prevent reaching out to someone who has a premium membership and having them resize it for you would be to set your printing sizing correctly beforehand.

You can find your desired printing size by going to "File" ► "Create New Design".


From there, Canva will give lots of sizing options to choose from. Feel free to use any of the options from the drop-down; however, keep in mind to use inches instead of pixels since we will be printing.


Another option you have is searching "Poster" in the settings and finding your desired sizing. 

Also, be sure to change the settings from pixels to inches if you decide to create a custom size. 

So, you could create a new document and transfer over all your images and information to the correct sized document depending on how feasible it is for you.


Sharing Options 

If that isn’t an option for what you are working on and you need to have it resized from the original, you can share your original file with someone who has Canva Pro and they will be able to resize it on their end.

To share your document ► click the right window on the top of the Canva page ► then you will have the options to either restrict access by only sharing via email or by letting anyone who has the link be able to open it.

Please note that if you do end up teaming up with someone to resize the image you will need to remove them from your team afterward, as they cannot do it on their own.



Download To Photoshop Option 

If you are still having trouble resizing images, another option would be to download the image and resize it in Photoshop. 

To download the image go to ► "Sharing"  ► click "Download" and select what image format works best for you!

We recommend either a PDF or a PNG photo format!

Once you have it downloaded go to our guide on how to resize images in Photoshop.



Premium Resizing Option 

If you do have the premium version, all you will need to do is go to the top left corner ► click the "Resize" button, and resize the height and width as needed.

Again, be sure to have inches selected as the pixels format is for online usage.



Still, having issues resizing?

Reach out to us  and we will assist you in anyway we can! 



Welcome to your guide on how to resize images in Google Slides !

Here will be a step-by-step guide on how to resize your presentations so they will be ready in a poster format. 

Google Tutorials 

Change the size of your slides 

Create, view, or download a file

Scroll down for the step-by-step version!


First and Foremost you'll need to go to "Page setup," which will be located under the file tab.  

Please make sure to size your document before you start working on it to prevent yourself from resizing everything afterward. 

Upon clicking this option you will find several options for what size you would like your poster or project to be. 

Please select the custom option and begin putting in the sizing dimensions you will need; keep in mind that these measurements will be in inches.

After putting in your dimensions make sure to click "Apply" and your document will now be the right size for a poster format or any project you need printed out. 

Saving Your Document

Now that you have saved your document in the correct format you need to be able to send it in a format that works for printing! 

(Please keep in mind that the print shop form will only accept PDFs, JPG/JPEG, and PNG Files.) 

The print shop can NOT take PowerPoint or Google Doc file formats. 

For this tutorial, we will be saving the document as a PDF as that is the standard file type for most professional work.

To get started, click "File" and select "Download." You should now be able to choose from several format options to choose from. Select "PDF Document."


Once you have selected "PDF Document" from the download options, it will begin the download process and you will need to select a place for it to go to; make sure to select a folder or path you are familiar with to avoid losing your document. 

Once you have saved the document, congratulations! Your PDF is finished and is now ready for printing. For print requests make sure to submit them to the print shop form

This form is the only way the print shop will accept your order and is also the easiest way to find information about pricing and what services we offer. 

Welcome to your quick guide for resizing photos in Microsoft PowerPoint (MAC Version)!

Check out Microsoft PowerPoint's support guides or scroll down to follow our step-by-step guide.

Mircosoft PowerPoint Guides 

Change the size of your slides 

Slides and text

Powerpoint Support/General Help

Scroll down for the step-by-step version!


After you open Microsoft PowerPoint you will see a bar on the top of the application, with lots of options for editing your document. 

Make sure to select the "Design" tab.

 Upon clicking this tab you will see lots of options for slide designs and variants; however, we will be selecting the option at the very bottom of the tab. 


Be sure to select "Slide Size", as that is how we will be resizing our document. 

Upon clicking this slide, three options will appear. We are going to want to click the "Page Setup" option.


Once you click the "Page Setup" option, you will see this pop-up appear.

Scroll down to the "Custom" option to adjust the sizing and to create your poster.

Feel free to change the settings as needed. 

Also, be sure to change the orientation as needed because, if you have the incorrect orientation, you run the risk of having your document getting cut off.

If you have multiple slides you will also have the option to select only certain pages you would like to have resized. 

After you have filled out your customized settings this pop-up will appear.

Please select the "scale-up option" as that will work best for your document. 

Once you scale up your document you will most likely have to edit your document to better fit your needs; this is why you should always resize the document before working on your project. 

Welcome to your quick guide for resizing photos in Microsoft PowerPoint (PC Version)!

Check out Microsoft PowerPoint's support guides or scroll down to follow our step-by-step guide.

Mircosoft PowerPoint Guides 

Change the size of your slides

Slides and text

Powerpoint Support/General Help


Scroll down for the step-by-step version!


After you open Microsoft PowerPoint you will see a bar on the top of the application, with lots of options for editing your document. 

Make sure to select the "Design" tab.

Upon clicking this tab you will see lots of options for slide designs and variants; however, we will be selecting the option at the very bottom of the tab. 

Be sure to select "Slide Size", as that is how we will be resizing our document. 

Upon clicking this slide, three options will appear. We are going to want to click the "Custom Slide Size" option.

Once you click the "Custom Slide Size" option, you will see this pop-up appear. Feel free to change the settings as needed. 

Also, be sure to change the orientation as needed because, if you have the incorrect orientation, you run the risk of having your document getting cut off.

If you have multiple slides you will also have the option to select only certain pages you would like to have resized. 

After you have filled out your customized settings this pop-up will appear. Please select the option that works best for your document. 

Keep in mind that maximizing the document will run the risk of cutting off information while "Ensure Fit" will have everything in place but will most likely leave a lot of negative space in your document. 

Regardless of either option you choose, you will most likely have to edit your document afterwards to better fit your needs. 

Welcome to your guide on how to resize images in Mircosoft Word!

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to resize your document(s) in Microsoft Word.


This program is better catered toward document projects rather than posters.

Please refer to our other resizing documents for better program options for resizing documents for posters.

Mircosoft Word Guides 


Change Paper Size

Change Image Sizes or Reduce them 

Reduce The File Size Of Your Documents

HPU Resizing in Mircosoft Word

 Table of Contents

Sizing Limitations 

Adjusting Margins 

Scroll down for the step-by-step version!


After opening up Microsoft Word, you will see the default taskbar in front of you. 

The first thing you will need to do is select the "Layout" option on the taskbar.

After selecting "Layout" you will see other options in the task bar; the one we will be going to is in the section called "Page Set Up". 

After selecting the "Size" option, you will then see a pop-up with lots of different options with different paper sizes. 

If you find the sizing you are looking for, congrats! You do not need to continue with the tutorial as Mircosoft Word will automatically resize the document with the selected desired sizing.

Otherwise, we will be selecting the "More Paper Sizes" option at the very bottom of the pop-up. 

After doing so, you will see another pop-up appear with more paper options, as it will also give you options for the margins and layout. 

However, we will be using the "Paper" option to resize our document. 

In the "Paper" tab, you will click the section that says "Letter." Upon doing so you will see more options, as well as some previous ones from above. 

Select the "Custom Size" option on the very bottom, then adjust the sizing for the width and height in the bars below the page size options. 

Sizing Limitations 


Please keep in mind that due to the limitations of Word, you are unable to create a poster larger than 22 inches by 22 inches.

Remember to keep this in mind before working on your project. This program is more catered towards documents, so other programs such as PowerPoint might be better suited for your project depending on the sizing. 

Adjusting Margins 


After you adjust the sizing you would like, you also need to adjust the margins. 


You'll need to adjust the margins depending on what kind of structure you would like for your document. 

To do so you need to go to the "Margin" section located near the "Paper" tab we have previously used. 

If you find that the margins don't work you can continue to adjust them by going back to the same page. 

Once this is completed, your newly resized document should be ready to work on! 


Finding The Image Size

How do I find out what size my image is? 

Don't have Photoshop or Canva but want to know how large or small your image is? 

No problem! Watch the video below or easily follow this step-by-step tutorial to make finding your file size simple and easy. 


Scroll down for the step-by-step version!

The first thing you're going to need to do is to find where your image is located and right-click on the file itself. 

A window should appear and once that pops up you're going to click on the very bottom option that says properties.  

Once you click properties a new window should appear. 

Once the Properties window appears your going to want to click the details tab. 

That's where we can find information about how large or small your image size is! 

Scroll down until you see the information regarding dimensions width, height, and DPI.

Please keep in mind that all of this information is in pixels as they use them for retaining information for the web.

Also please keep in mind that for any printing projects the DPI will need to be changed to 300. 

Here are a few examples of Pixel to Inches:

2550 x 3300 Pixels ► 8.5 x 11 Inches 
3300 X 5100 Pixels ► 11 X 17 Inches 
5400 x 7200 Pixels  ► 18 x 24 Inches
7200 x 10800 Pixels ► 24 x 36 Inches 
10800 x 14400 Pixels ► 36 x 48 Inches 

Keep in mind these dimensions if you are trying to find certain images.


Sizing Chart

Here's a helpful size reference to refer to before you print. 

If you would like an in-person visual, feel free to visit the shop before printing!