Intellectual discovery is a journey. We are not born knowing how to do research.
Research is a process that sometimes twists and turns, often not following a straight line.
A crucial part of research lies in picking your topic. Remember -- topic selection is a vital part of your research!
So, how do you research an art or design topic?
The individual tabs in this 'Taboret' guide provide suggested ways of thinking about, and breaking down, the separate component parts of a topic.
However, these are only suggestions – follow your instincts!
At any stage in your research, please do not hesitate to ask an HPU librarian for help.
Charles J. Grips. "The Artist's Studio, 1882." Wikimedia
The HPU School of Art and Design are using the Wikipedia definition of a ‘taboret’ as follows: "The popular sense refers to a small portable stand or cabinet, with drawers and shelves for storage. It is used as a method to bring organization to a work area. This name for a portable cabinet is common to artists" (Wikipedia "Taboret").
Working on a project, for most of us, requires organization.
This library-Taboret is designed as a set of tools to help you to bring order and organization to your thoughts and ideas.
"Taboret & Easel"-Dick
Two HPU Research Guides will help you find resources and materials: