Welcome to the research guide for History. This guide will support your research in all aspects of history and related topics.
The databases listed below are some of the most popular used by students doing research for their HST courses. Depending on your topic, you may want to explore other resources using the tabs on the left side of the guide. Remember, you can always ask a librarian for help!
Colesseum image via http://openclipart.org/detail/323/roman-coliseum-by-johnny_automatic
Getting started finding resources for history research begins here with the History LibGuide. The guide has links to the library catalog, article databases, information on primary sources, statistics and related websites. The guide is arranged in tabs
Find Articles- This tab provides links to library databases which offer access to scholarly journal and magazine articles.
Find Books- This tab has a link to the library’s catalog. The catalog is where you can find everything that the library provides access to including print books, e-books, journal and magazine articles and much more. Also included is information about TALA (Triad Academic Library Association) and Interlibrary Loan.
Find Reference Sources- Contains a list of some of the print and online history books that are held by Smith Library.
Find Primary Sources Library- This tab has definitions and explannations of primary and secondary sources, why they are used and how to search for them. It also has links to academic repositories that can be searched for primary sources.
Find Primary Sources Online- This tab contains links to web-based primary sources as well as a directory of archives.
Write and Cite- A link to a LibGuide outlining the preferred method of citation style for history papers.