An eBook is a book published in digital form, and may include text or images (or both), and can be read on multiple devices, including tablets, computers and smart phones. Encyclopedias, anthologies, non-fiction scholarly books, and novels can all be found in eBook formats. All of HPU Libraries' eBooks are available to use FREE of charge, using your HPU credentials. You don't have to remember to return them and you won't ever be charged fines for them.
An eBook is NOT to be confused with e-journals or online magazines. These are serial publications which are found indexed in article databases like JSTOR and ProQuest. If you can find the title in Journal Finder, it is NOT an ebook!
Q. Do I have to pay to read or download an eBook?
A. No - our eBooks are free for you to use! You can use and download HPU Libraries eBooks at no charge just by logging in with your HPU e-mail username and password.
Q. When should I download an eBook?
A. Only when you want to check it out so that you can either read it offline or be able to read it later. To simply view an eBook without downloading it, look for the "view now," "PDF full text," or "read online" button.
Q. Where can I find these eBooks?
A. The library has eBooks available through several major vendors, including EBSCO, ebrary, AXIS 360, etc. Most are discoverable using the book search on the library homepage. Use the checkbox on the left of your search to limit it to eBooks. Visit the "find eBooks" tab on this guide to find eBooks directly through our vendors.
Q. Do I need to make an account with EBSCO or ebrary to use an eBook?
A. For EBSCO, ebrary, and most other vendors you do NOT need to create an account to view an eBook, but if you want to download, print, or save it you will need to make a vendor account. This is not the same as your library account, and must be set up through the vendor. The exception to this is AXIS 360, for which you must create an account to be to view eBooks.
Q. Can I print an entire eBook?
A. In most cases, the vendor will set a limit as to how many pages you can print or save to a PDF. You may be allowed to print one or two sections, but not the entire book.
Unlike print books, eBook titles CANNOT be requested through our interlibrary loan service.
If you need a title specifically in eBook format that the library does not own, you can contact any reference librarian to request that the library purchase the eBook. E-mail requests can be sent to