The following databases are your "best bet" for finding articles for education research:
The premier database for education research, ERIC provides access to over 1 million journal articles, curriculum guides, dissertations, reports and other resources.
These databases may also be helpful to your research. Still not finding what you need? Ask a librarian for help! You can also explore all of our databases through Resources A-Z on the library homepage.
PsycINFO is the largest resource devoted to peer-reviewed literature in behavioral science and mental health. This database from the American Psychological Association (APA) contains abstracts of scholarly journal articles, book chapters, books, and dissertations.
This database provides access to historical coverage of scholarly journals in a wide range of disciplines. Coverage goes back to the first issue (some as far back as the 1800s), but does not include the most recent issues (usually last 3-5 years).
Current and historical research related to growth and development of children through the age of 21.
The ultimate cross-disciplinary research tool, ProQuest Central brings together 30 of our most highly used databases to create the largest single academic research resource available today.
Use this link to connect Google Scholar with HPU's collection of full-text journals. You will be asked for your HPU username and password if off-campus.
As you construct a search for education research, make sure to include search terms for the following:
Pay attention to the currency of the research. Education is constantly evolving and research from 20 years ago is of limited value.