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APA Citation Guide: Images

This page gives examples of how to cite images you refer to but do not reproduce in your paper. See the next tab, Tables & Figures, if you plan to reproduce (copy and paste) an image into your paper, as it will qualify as a "Figure."


The "author" of a photograph is the name of the photographer. You may need to do a reverse image search in Google images to track down the original source of an image.

Basic format:

Author, I. I. (Year). Title of photograph [Photograph]. Source. URL

Example (with title):

Lange, D. (1936). Migrant mother [Photograph]. MoMA.

Cited in text: (Lange, 1936)


Example (no title):

Smith, A. (2018). [Untitled photograph of a young woman standing in a cotton field].

Cited in text: (Smith, 2018)

Note: The untitled example is of a printed photograph. Digital images should always have a source and URL.

Infographics, charts, etc.

Look in the margins of an infographic for the names of the creator and/or source, particularly if it has been uploaded to a website other than the one where it originally appeared.

Basic format:

Author, I. I. (Year). Title of infographic [Infographic]. Source. URL


HPU Libraries. (2019). Top 5 pro tips for database searching [Infographic]. High Point University Libraries Research Guides.

Cited in text: (HPU Libraries, 2019)


The "author" of any work of art is the name of the person who created it--whether a painter, sculptor, or any other type of artist. If the artist did not give the image a title, you can create a descriptive title in brackets. If the piece is in a museum, use this as the source.

Basic format:

Author, I. I. (Year). Title of artwork [Description]. Source. URL


Lawrence, T. (1823). Charlotte Georgina Jerningham, later Lady Lovat [Painting]. Fine Art Museums of San Francisco.

Cited in text: (Lawrence, 1823)


If the map has a creator and title and is not likely to change, the citation is much the same as with any other online image. The format for Google maps or other dynamic maps is slightly different, and you will need to include the retrieval date.

Basic format:

Author, I. I. (Year). Title of map [Map]. Source. URL

Example (static map):

Mitchell, A., Simmons, K., Matsa, K. E., & Silver, L. (2018, January 11). News media rated highest for covering important issues, lowest for reporting on politics fairly [Map]. Pew Research Center.

Cited in text: (Mitchell et al., 2018)


Example (dynamic map):

Google. (n.d.). [Google Maps directions for driving from Washington, D. C. to New York, NY]. Retrieved January 30, 2020 from

Cited in text: (Google, n.d.)

Note: APA allows (and encourages) the use of link shorteners in references.