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*Chemistry Subject Guide: Citation Help

Use this subject guide to start your research in Chemistry and related topics.

The ACS style guide : effective communication of scientific information.

Students in Chemistry use the The ACS style guide : effective communication of scientific information style guide for writing papers. You can also find this print volume in Smith Library in the reference section - the call number is Quick R 808.0665 C65ac 2006 . Remember - EndNote supports this citation style. 

Academic Integrity

Citation may seem like a bunch of rules designed to make writing your paper even more difficult. However, the purpose of citation is primarily to show how your work fits into the larger conversation taking place on your particular topic and to help facilitate the exchange of ideas between scholars (that means you, too!). Citation also ensures that the original authors or originators of an idea receive proper credit for their work.

What does this mean for you? 

According to the High Point University Honor Code"Every student is honor-bound to refrain from plagiarism."

But what does it mean to plagiarize something? 

Plagiarism involves quoting or paraphrasing without proper acknowledgment. You plagiarize if you submit, without appropriate documentation or quotation marks:

  • part or all of written or spoken statements derived from sources, such as books, the Internet, magazines, pamphlets, speeches, or oral statements;
  • part or all of written or spoken statements derived from files maintained by individuals, groups or campus organizations;
  • the sequence of ideas, arrangement of material, or pattern of thought of someone else, even though you express such processes in your own words.

(High Point University Student Government Association, The University Honor)

Summary: You plagiarize when you take credit for someone else's work, either on purpose or by accident. 

You can also plagiarize yourself. Called "self-plagiarism," this occurs if you reuse work from one course in another course without your instructors' permission. This is considered academic dishonesty. 

Citation Managers

Citation managers can help you keep track of the articles, books, and other resources that you find, as well as help you cite them in the appropriate style in the text of your paper and in your references or works cited list. For more help with citation managers, ask a librarian! 

Campus Writing Resources

HPU Librarians are always happy to help you with your citation questions! If you have questions that are related to general writing style or to writing in a particular discipline, we recommend that you utilize the resources below.