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Endnote X9 and EndNote Online: Find Full Text

This guide will assist you with downloading and using the latest version of Endnote.

Finding Full Text

You can set up your EndNote to search HPULibraries automatically for the full text PDF of items in your EndNote Library. To set up Find Full Text:

  1. Open EndNote. Under Edit > Preferences (for PC) or EndNote X9 > Preferences (for Mac), click on Find Full Text.
  2. For OpenURL Path, enter the following: 
  3. For Authenticate with URL, enter the following:




You can then select individual or multiple references in your library, and then choose References > Find Full Text to attempt to locate the full text of the item. If the full text is available, it will automatically appear as a PDF under that reference. 

You can still attach files to the reference manually--in fact, you can attach multiple files and file types to a single reference.

Attach a PDF

If the "find full text" feature does not find a PDF for a reference, you can still attach it manually. You will need to first download the PDF to your computer.

Now just highlight the reference, and use the paperclip icon to attach.

EndNote will store the PDF, so you can delete the original file from your computer.

Head of Technical Services

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Leanne Jernigan
Technical Services Office
Smith Library (Lower Level)
(336) 841-9152