Question #1: I'm off campus and trying to access a library resource from the HPULibraries homepage - what do I need to do to get in?
Question #2: I have this link to an article, but it's not working!
Question #3: I was trying to get to full text of an article, and I'm getting a different log in screen from what you have here or I was asked to purchase the article.
Question: I'm off campus and trying to access a library resource from the HPULibraries homepage - what do I need to do to get in?
Answer: When you try to access a library resource, you will see a screen like this:
If you cannot log in to your email and Blackboard, you will not be able to log in to our resources either, and you will need to reset your password to get everything working again. If you CAN log into Blackboard/email, but still cannot access our resources, try one of these solutions:
Question: I have this link to an article, but it's not working!
Answer: When trying to share an article with someone or to access an article from a link, those links need to be of a certain kind, often called a permanent link. This just means: a link that will still work when shared outside of your search session.
Whoever shared the link with you might not have known about this, and may have simply copied the URL from the address bar at the top - these links will usually NOT work.
Most databases will put the permanent link for an article in one of their toolbox areas. You just have to look for it. It might be called: persistent link, permalink, stable URL, etc. In EBSCO, they put it on the right-hand side:
If you get a bad link, and can't figure it out please contact the library and we will help you decipher your link.
Question: I was trying to get to full text of an article, and I'm getting a different log in screen from what you have here or I was asked to purchase the article.
Answer: This means that we do not have the full-text of the article right there. When this happens, you can do a few things: