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Chicago Style Citation Guide: Notes and Bibliography Style

Notes and Bibliography Style

The Notes and Bibliography style : used by Humanities (literature, histroy, and the arts).

This style presents bibliographic information in notes (either footnotes or endnotes) and, often, a bibliography. It accommodates a variety of sources, including esoteric ones less appropriate to the author-date system.

NOTE: If the bibliography includes all works cited in the notes, the note citations can be quite concise, since readers can turn to the bibliography for publication details. In works with no bibliography or only a selected list, full details must be given in a note at first mention of any work cited. Subsequent citations of that work may then be concise.

Each example includes a note [N] followed by a bibliographic entry [B]. After the first book entry, all Note examples will use the full version. To make it concise, use just the author's last name(s), the main title, and page number(s).


Notes and Bibliography Chicago sample paper