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Plagiarism: Is it plagiarism?

What is plagiarism? How do I avoid it?

Giving Credit.

The following "Is it plagiarism?" quiz was adapted from a quiz written by Doug Johnson that was used at the English department at the University of Texas ( Many of the questions were modified to suit our needs for this particular library guide. 

Scenario #1

You’re working on a homework assignment about dolphins. You search Google and find a good description of how they communicate. Using your computer, you copy and paste it directly into your paper. The web page does not list an author or publication date, and the passage is pretty short anyway, so you don’t bother to cite it.

Scenario #1
Not plagiarism: 69 votes (3.48%)
A clear case of plagiarism: 1724 votes (87.03%)
Not exactly plagiarism, but not handled correctly: 188 votes (9.49%)
Total Votes: 1981

Scenario #2

You really like the way the author of your textbook expresses ideas, and so you begin to take notes from the textbook for a paper you’re writing. You copy the text but forget to include quotation marks, and you don’t record the pages where you found the information. When you begin writing your paper, you include the notes forgetting that these are exact phrases and sentences.

Scenario #2
Not plagiarism: 42 votes (2.37%)
A clear case of plagiarism: 1381 votes (77.85%)
Not exactly plagiarism, but not handled correctly: 351 votes (19.79%)
Total Votes: 1774

Scenario #3

You are writing a paper for your history class about World War II and mention that the US entered the war after Pearl Harbor was bombed. You do not include a citation for this information.

Scenario #3
Not plagiarism: 1233 votes (70.26%)
A clear case of plagiarism: 223 votes (12.71%)
Not exactly plagiarism, but not handled correctly: 299 votes (17.04%)
Total Votes: 1755

Scenario #4

You are taking a sociology class, which requires a 5-page research paper. You visit the reference desk at the library, and a librarian helps you find articles on your topic in the HPU Libraries article databases. You copy and paste the most interesting parts of the articles into your paper without putting those parts in quotes, but you do list the articles in your Works Cited page.

Scenario #4
Not plagiarism: 150 votes (8.79%)
A clear case of plagiarism: 749 votes (43.88%)
Not exactly plagiarism, but not handled correctly: 808 votes (47.33%)
Total Votes: 1707

Scenario #5

You are doing a presentation for your nutrition class and use an image of the Food Guide Pyramid you found on a government web site. You do not cite where you found the image.

Scenario #5
Not plagiarism: 207 votes (13.07%)
A clear case of plagiarism: 975 votes (61.55%)
Not exactly plagiarism, but not handled correctly: 402 votes (25.38%)
Total Votes: 1584

Scenario #6

A search of the HPU Libraries' databases leads you to a great article on your research topic. The article's author is making a different kind of argument than you are, but one of her points applies to your paper, too. You quote a three-sentence passage from the article and summarize some of the author's other ideas. You're nervous about using this author's ideas so much, so you're very careful to cite her properly and to make it clear which ideas are yours and which came from the article.

Scenario #6
Not plagiarism: 1238 votes (85.85%)
A clear case of plagiarism: 107 votes (7.42%)
Not exactly plagiarism, but not handled correctly: 97 votes (6.73%)
Total Votes: 1442

Scenario #7

You're not very good at grammar, and you find it difficult to proofread your own work. You ask a friend to look over your paper for you, and you specifically tell him to only correct little things like punctuation and spelling. When he gives it back to you, he's made a lot of corrections, sometimes changing around entire sentences. You read the paper over after you've edited it, and it doesn't really sound like your writing style. You hand in the paper and hope that your instructor will not notice the stylistic differences.

Scenario #7
Not plagiarism: 303 votes (19.31%)
A clear case of plagiarism: 481 votes (30.66%)
Not exactly plagiarism, but not handled correctly: 785 votes (50.03%)
Total Votes: 1569


The materials on this page were adapted from a plagiarism worksheet developed by Ann Roselle at Phoenix College. 


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