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REL 2020 Early Christian Thought- Franks: Find Books

Library Catalog

What if the library doesn't have what I need?

Interlibrary Loan

If we don't have a book that you need, we can request it for you from another library through Interlibrary Loan. This process typically takes 1-2 weeks. 

You can also place requests for articles through Interlibrary Loan. We can usually get articles to you within 1-3 days. 

To request an item (book, article, or other) log into your HPUShare account. More information about ILL can be found on the ILL page

Triad Academic Library Association

Need it in a hurry? Through the Triad Academic Library Association (TALA), you can visit other college and university libraries in the area and use your HPU Passport to check out materials. For more details, please visit the TALA page on the library's website.

In addition, members of the HPU community can check out materials from the High Point Public Library with your HPU Passport. 

We recommend calling the library first to find out what their policies are, to verify that the item is available, and to get information on where to park, etc. If you have additional questions, just ask us!

Finding Book Titles

A great way to find books on your topic is to use the book reviews limiter in a database. In JSTOR and ProQuest databases, just enter your search terms and select book reviews as a limiter.


ProQuest History Databases

ProQuest Central

WorldCat FirstSearch

Catalog Searching Tips

- When searching for items on a certain topic, break your topic down into keywords

- When you find an item, look at the Subjects listed on the right side. Click on one to see all the items tagged with a particular subject. 

- Know where you're searching! Look at the top of the screen where it says "Libraries to search" to see or change where you are searching - just HPU Libraries, TALA Libraries, Libraries Worldwide. 

- Use the Advanced Search to add limits to your search, such as date range, format, and more.