You've made it - now you can put your skills to the test in this final comprehensive assessment!
You may use any tutorials from this series using the DMS Series Menu at the bottom of this page to assist in completing the tasks listed below. PLEASE VIEW THE SAMPLE SUBMISSION BELOW! Start a new Word document (you may use other software and convert the document to a PDF for submission).
Final Assessment: DMS Library Module Series
Using the requirements/instructions below, enter your final responses in the FINAL ASSESSMENT form.
Upon receiving your response, the Health Sciences Liaison will confirm your success in completing this final assessment via your HPU email address. Thank you!
Please allow one business day for the review process.
Please read all items carefully. You will share all information in your final submission:
1. Choose one research questions from the Research Questions Options List on this page.
2. Use minimum of 4 keywords or phrases you will use to start your research (Part 2 - Literature Review)
3. Use a minimum of 3 HPU databases to perform your searches (Part 3 - Databases)
4. Find a minimum of 6 sources that support your chosen research question and obtain their AMA citations (Part 1 - Saving Library Content and Part 3 - AMA Citations)
5. Create an outline / annotated bibliography using your research question and sources (include 1 - 2 sentences per sources explaining why this source is valuable to your project)
You may choose ANY one topic/question listed below for this assessment:
1. Education: How are new and trending teaching methods impacting skill acquisition in health science students during a global pandemic?
2. Education: How has virtual learning influenced equity in health science admissions and curriculum content pre- and post-pandemic?
3. Management: How are domestic and international health care organizations using social media and what are the related direct impacts to respective outreach goals
4. Management: How do health care organizations view and strategize population health management to avert readmissions? How is this impacting health care professional development, time management, and patient care metrics?
5. Health Science: How does intermittent fasting inhibit amyloid plaque formation? What evidence exists that could imply possible advantages to human health risks and outcomes?
6. Health Science: How are the therapeutic potential and risks for cannabinoids and use for patients with diabetes mellitus influencing endocrinology research?
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