Using your business background will make this research easy!
Before you start to search here are a couple of definitions to keep in mind:
Should I trust the company I am researching to tell me how the company is doing?
Note: The following video helps demonstrates the concepts found in the narrative located on this page.
Watch the video on the page or use this link - Company Information.
Detailed company and industry profiles including SWOT reports, market share reports, and financial reports. Thousands of company histories and industry essays from Gale's core business collection. Case studies, scholarly journals, and business news for deep research coverage of global economies.
In this example I used Business Insight and did a search for JetBlue - the low-cost airline. Researching a company of interest helps me find other research about the industry. I can see how JetBlue is doing in the market by clicking on the links that are featured on the page. Under companies with similar revenue you can see the competitors and you can click on the company name to locate data about those companies. And finally, if you look under the Industries you can see that JetBlue is in the Scheduled Passenger Air Transportation Industry. Use that link to find other data on the industry.
Here is how to perform the search:
1. Search the company name.
2. Click the links on the page and read about the company such as company history or financial data.
3. Finally, scroll down the screen and you will locate other companies along with the company's industry. In this case they are in the Scheduled Passenger Air Transportation - 481111. Click on the link and you can read about the industry.
Well done! You now have a better idea about JetBlue as a company and about the airline industry as a whole.