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Podcasting and Audio Production: Podcast Publishing

Resources available to get started with audio production and podcasting.


There is no shortage of podcast hosting platforms out there. Deciding which one to use means figuring out how frequently you plan to produce episodes, how long they will be, what sort of statistics the platform provides, and how much it costs. Below are a few resources to help you decide. 

Podcast Hosting Sites

The following is a short list of some of the most popular podcast hosting sites available. There are dozens more that are not mentioned here. Each of these podcast hosting sites offers a free version of their service, but pay attention to what caveats come with being free -- some will have upload runtime caps, some limit monthly bandwidth, etc. The podcast hosting site you choose will depend of what you want your podcast to do. It is helpful to compare several of these to find what works best for you.   

undefined Buzzsprout is a well-established platform that has been around for over a decade. Simple to use, intuitive, and it works with all the major podcatchers to provide seamless delivery and helpful statistics. This is a good option to get started. 

undefined Spreaker is an all-in-one tool for creating and distributing podcasts. You can record, upload, distribute, and even monetize your podcast using Spreaker. 

undefined Podbean is a podcast hosting site with many helpful features. Works with all the major podcatchers; it has an intuitive interface and powerful tools for distributing your podcast, including statistics and monetization tools. 

undefined Soundcloud isn't typically known for podcast hosting -- but it has the same robust features as most other podcast hosting sites, along with being one of the most popular music apps out there. Huge potential audience just from Soundcloud before even considering the listeners from the top podcatchers.

undefinedAnchor is the odd duck in this list, as it is the only podcast host that offers unlimited uploads for absolutely free. Much like Spreaker, the Anchor app is an all-in-one tool not just for distributing a podcast, but for recording and editing it as well. Anchor was recently acquired by Spotify, which gives the potential audience reach an even bigger boost.  

Podcast Host Videos